Can headphone amp be used as a pre-amp (competent enough) for speaker systems ?
Sorry for not being able to type Chinese in office.I am considering to buy a Heed Canamp for my K701 and it seems this amp can also be used as a pre-amp (for the speaker systems).
So,,, does anybody here has used it as a pre-amp ? (I mean, as a pre-amp, is it worth 3000 rmb ?) Or, generally speaking, when a headphone amp is used as a pre-amp, is it (almost) as good as a pure pre-amp (or the one in the integrated amp) of the same price ?
To be more concrete, now integrated amp I own Marantz PM8003, in your opinion, is that possible the 2nd combo (see hereafter) sounds better than the 1st one?
1. SA8003->PM8003->Speakers,
2. SA8003->Canamp->PM8003->Speakers
Thanks for your feedbacks ! Will have a try and come back 2 u later~~~ 耳放都是可以用做前级的,有些背后有PRE-OUT,有些没有,但可以从耳机插孔取信号,转为RCA,这样等于也把耳放作为前级放大器用,都没有问题. 呵呵,人家LZ不能打中文不代表LZ不懂中文啊 对方用什么语言跟你说话,你就用什么语言回答(如果你能够的话),这是一个人际交流的礼节,但我不确定这个礼节在本贴的情况下是否适用. :P 倒过来成立么?是不是所有的前级都可以做耳放?接口转换一下。 谢谢大家的回复。可能的话,我当然希望大家用中文回复:) 原帖由 爱乐人生 于 2009-10-23 20:01 发表
其实这又引出了一个新问题,合并功放的耳机输出,是内部前级的输出,还是从内部的后级衰减(比如串阻?)后引出的输出? 刚才试了一下。
meridian 508.24 rca到Heed Canamp的line in,再从Canamp的line out 到偶的V8,推D7000。
声音没有很大的区别,但能感觉到声音里多了一丝Canamp的风格。中频更加温暖厚实,多了一份热情的染色,听人声更迷人更有味道,但整体解析和透明度降了些,低频速度慢了些,混了些。总体感觉按照偶的口味,不如508.24直接输入到V8。但若想要系统播人声更好听的话,加个Canamp是个好办法。 原帖由 lus12 于 2009-10-24 04:15 发表
两种情况都有. 1. SA8003->PM8003->Speakers,
2. SA8003->Canamp->PM8003->Speakers
As to the 2nd combo
i donot think it's a good idea to bypass the PM8003's pre module and use your headphone amp to do the work
unless you've got a very good pre module in the headphone amp 多用一条信号线 会多出来很多麻烦
[ 本帖最后由 nadesicozhao 于 2009-10-24 10:14 编辑 ]