谢谢 正常就是了,最好发email问问原厂吧,或者看看说明书 拨过去,如果从原来显示115变为现实230的字样,则就对了。否则就不对。 berkeley audio的啥东西? Thank you for writing and for your purchase of an Alpha DAC.
To convert an Alpha DAC from 115V operation to 230V operation, two things must be done:
1. Move voltage switch SW1 on the power supply PCB from the 115V position to the 230V position.
2. Change mains fuse F1 on the power supply PCB from a 5 mm x 20 mm .5A Slow Blow (Littlefuse 0239.500HXP) to a 5 mm x 20 mm .25A Slow Blow (Littlefuse 0239.250HXP).
Someone with technical experience should perform the voltage change. If switch F1 is in the wrong position and/or fuse F1 is the wrong type or value for the local AC mains voltage, the Alpha DAC may be damaged and the warranty will be void.
I hope I have answered your question satisfactorily. Please let me know if you have any further questions 这不是回信说得蛮清楚了,1是拨动开关,2是换保险管。 上面写着是换0.25a的保险丝是吧 是的,0.25A的。
其实不用他们说明保险丝,想都能想到的。功率W=I*U,当W不变而只有电压变了,则当W=0.5*110,于是W=0.25*220;故保险应换为0.25的。(哈,不用解这个方程吧) 谢楼上的朋友了 保险换不换都问题不大的.把开关整到230就可以了:lol 哈米东西?