这个软件操作勉勉强强,作为一个商业播放器还有很多路要走哈。 估计不会比CPLAY强到哪去 看样子需要自己买了尝试的
回复 6# 的帖子
从来没看懂你说话的意思 正在使用4.2版,感觉声音确实很有鲜活感,值得一用。 刚搜了下,才知道台湾庞先生跟我提的Marcin是Jplay的作者。他也在用绿标usb和sata线,他和朋友认为超过了VertexAQ hirez illimani usb线(1500欧元)。jplay作者Marcin先生測試"子勻"USB線後的評價
Marcin先生開發的jplay播放程式對一般的CAT USER有很大的助益
只要CAT & 音響系統有相當的水準
Hello Pang,
I picked up the package today,
thank you for your great service!
I've tried USB cables so far.
I have to tell you that I'm truly amazed by the performance!
Your USB cables, especially green one,
made the most dramatic improvement in my system I can remember!!!
My jaw is on the floor.
And believe me, I have few very expensive USB cables:
SotM 7N silver streamed, Acoustic Revive SP and 1500EUR VertexAQ HiRez Illimani.
(註:1,500.00 EUR =57,705.52 TWD,這條線索價近6萬台幣)
And you know what?
They all sound like crap in comparison to your cables.
Even the yellow one is better than VertexAQ!( Who would have thought? :)
( 註:黃標USB就是"子勻"USB線)
I'm very confused, it looks so modest, but the sound is thrilling.
The green one is the most detailed and yet most enjoyable USB cable I've heard.
Absolutely stunning.
I've had goosebumps all over my body today which hasn't happen for a longer while until today.
Now I have to ask you for your other products,
I just have to, because based on my today's experience,
you're a true genius when it comes to audio.
I bet your other products are on par,
老外一般不吝溢美之词,不过能和1500欧元的线比比也很不错了 好东西,鲜活有劲,有歌德耳机的味道 台湾那面有搞团购,不知这里有没有人组织团购?