The cleaner the power going in the cleaner the power going out.That’s true for a filter as well as a regenerator and the P300 is no different.The original P300 used what’s known as a Corcom AC filter.
The Corcom’s are used primarily for very high frequency noise rejection and found a lot in DAC’s and transports.The original filter in the P300 did a great job of cleaning up the over 1mHz noise generated by the P300’s power supply, but a UPC-200’s Power Cell kicks in at 100kHz, or 10 times lower and therefore is a much more effective filter.
mod的成果,和ppp一样的遥控器伤不起啊…… 学习一下! 我也发个电处开盖图 ls那个是啥啊,看到各种铝箔补偿电路 隔离牛都是米物啊 原帖由 wl336 于 2011-6-24 07:29 发表那个是啥啊,看到各种铝箔补偿电路 Purepower 2000i 2000的風扇都到前面來了…
另外,電池呢?原本放電池的地方怎麼空了? 原帖由 creamy_wan 于 2011-6-24 08:08 发表的風扇都到前面來了…另外,電池呢?原本放電池的地方怎麼空了? 风扇后面就是电池,电池平铺在机器底部,也就是线路板下面
回复 24# 的帖子
Thx长风兄,难怪厂方加厚机身和更改摆放位置了... 长风破浪兄,现在还在用x1200吧? 终于找到组织了,德颂x800怎么样啊? 长风破浪的X1200听过(不过已经被出掉了;P ),声音会偏细腻文静一点,东西还是不错的,特别考虑到这个价位的话 难道他又换回了 Purepower ? 原帖由 yamuling 于 2011-6-24 12:06 发表难道他又换回了 Purepower ?