davidxtb 发表于 2011-8-24 09:24:14

Eddie Current家的ZANA DEUX TRANSFORMER已停产,现已推出改进款产品2A3

前几天刚付完ZANA DEUX TRANSFORMER的最后一笔款,二房是广州的一个烧友定的。昨晚发现打不开EDDIE CURRENT的网页。今天早晨再打开就发现ZDT已经从网页上看不到了,挂上来的同价位的产品是2A3。

    Eddie Current introduces the 2A3, a vacuum tube headphone-speaker amp for those who desire the natural and lively sound of transformers and balanced listening. The 2A3 replaces the ZDT model, running cooler and offering more tube rolling capability. The 2A3 is the perfect choice for driving planar magnetic headphones. Styled after the ZDT, the 2A3 will drive speakers beautifully without compromoising headphone enjoyment:
          -- SET topology, C-core output transformers.
          -- Single ended, or balanced headphone drive.
          -- Three input selector switch.
          -- 100K high quality volume control.
          -- One pair speaker outputs.
          -- 4-foot detachable umbilical cord.
          -- Hand wired point to point signal circuit.
          -- Vacuum tuber rectified regulated power supplies.

           -- Will drive 8 ohm speakers to 3 watts.
          -- Recommended headphone load 8 ohms or higher.
          -- Power into 32 ohms 800mW.
          -- Power bandwidth driving Sen 600’s -.5dB 10Hz to 40kHz Wide band noise less
               than 250uV.
          -- Tubes included: 1 6SL7 driver, 5AR4 rectifier tube (2A3 tubes extra).
          -- Dimensions: 12” wide by 14” deep by 9” high. 19 lbs.
    Price: $2800.00 (inquire for adding 2A3 tube of choice and request with order)

[ 本帖最后由 davidxtb 于 2011-8-29 23:43 编辑 ]

davidxtb 发表于 2011-8-24 09:29:56


Last month Craig Uthus of Eddie Current debuted a new amp at a smallish gather of friends in NorCal. I've heard many amps by Craig including those under the old Moth banner as well as his current name Eddie Current and I've been impressed by his output,Under theEddie Current name he has helped define the high end space with amps like the BA and HD2 hitting it out of the park for me. I've owned a few of Craig's amps notably one of the original Moth 2a3s that was a visual masterpiece and sonically one of my all time favorites. To this day it is the one piece of gear that I regret selling. He's made better sounding amps like the HD 2 ( a one off that he built for me) and Balancing act since then but the marriage of industrial almost gothic design, old school innards like brass plugs for switching output impedance and wax cloth wires andsound quality earned a special place for me.

Enter the new 2a3, Craig's had multiple iterations of the 2a3 design at Moth from an his first more expensive units, scaled down more entry level and finally his 2a3/45 SI ammo box units. This new amp can switch between 2a3 and 45 tubes with a toggle switch located in the rear. Users that try to run 45s in 2a3 mode will most likely learn quickly that 45 tubes do not like to be run in 2a3 mode (POP goes the NOS tube). So like all things a little care and knowledge goes a long way. The amp is a two box affair with a 5ar4 driven power supply with the amp hosting a pair of 2a3s (Craig supplied Sylvania tubes) but I'll also run my big bottle JJ's in there as well and a 6sn7 for the driver tube. I'll likely try and sub a 6fg8 with adapter in there at some point in the trial. There are three single ended inputs, a set of speaker taps, and both a 4 pin and 1/4 headphone plug out front.

I ran the amp with a pair of Alon Lotus SE speakers ( http://www.sonoris.c.../lotussemk2.htm ) , a pair of Audeze LCD2s, Audio Technica AD200s and the JH13s. As a source I've got the Metric Halo ULN 8 (badged as a Sonic Studio 305) and an Origin LIve Sovereign turntable with their encounter tonearm with either the ZYX Atmos cart or the Miyajima Shilable cart (still can't make up my mind about which to keep).

When I received the amp Igave it a few listens with the Alon speakers, LCD 2 and JH13s and so far it is very favorable. This is an uber quiet amp with gobs and gobs of detail, glorious tone and drive. It really splits the difference well between pacing, detail/extension and the all elusive musical expression. Some amps do one or two of those but its tough to find an amp that has rhythmic drive, extension gobs of detail and great tone. as of this red hot moment the 2a3 is hitting all three equally well. I'l see over the course of my time with it how it fairs over the longer haul.

The speaker sound was fantastic, very detailed but also very musical but ultimately the Alons do need more power maybe like a 300b an 845 (which I already own). Where EC 2a3 bested the Fi X 2a3 and the Dared 845micro detail, tone (oh that amazing natural and accurate tone!). At low levels the EC 2a3 shined but did run out of gas with dynamic peaks or recordings with full dynamic range. This is not a knock on the EC 2a3 just a fact of a 3 watt amp powering a three way passive crossover speaker. Hooked up to a pair of Cain and Cain Horns I bet would be a revelation.

I've always loved the AT AD2k and the EC really re-enforced my love. The common knock on the ATs are they are airy (what the heck does that even mean) and lack bass extension and power. This was totally mitigated by the EC 2a3 as the AT's shone like a light on the recordings that I threw at it. I downloaded the new Rolling Stone HD tracks 24/176 of Though The Past Darkly. Man of man it was like being in a studio control room listing to the masters. Little details jumped out. Ruby Tuesdays strings had stunning bow attack and Jagger's voice was so freaking papable. Jumping Jack Flash was a blast, Jagger takes a breath right before singing and I never really noticed it before " I was born in a crossfire hurricane" and it's like he's right there in front of you! This was one memorable listening session.

Switching to the LCD2s its a totally different perspective instruments are weightier bass is powerful and driving. Details are still there but its like going from a studio monitor to Maggies. Both are awesome but they just portray the music in a very different way.

I played some Beatles from the 24/44.1 usb stick that came out and same great results weighty detailed and musically involving. The EC 2a3 should be on any LCD 2 owners short list, particularly if they plan to power high efficiency speakers as well.

I borrowed an old friend's (i've know him a long time and he is old ;-) ) K1000s to see how they would perform with the EC 2a3 and they were sublime. The 2a3 to me rose to the top flight k1000 sessions I've heard with amps like the Moth 300b or first watt F1 being driven my an Eastern Electric pre amp . One of the knocks on the k1000s is they can get strident with the wrong amp and while some amps can power them they still don't sound good. The 2a3 provided a very balanced sound with nice bottom end (not the k1000s strong suit), speed like a possessed demon, PRat and tone.

Right now I'm using an RCA 5ar4 instead of the Chinese rectifier that was provided. I pulled the Sylvania 2a3s and popped in the JJs I had on hand and both are really good. The JJs have more bass and are overall thicker sounding where the Sylvania tubes are cleaner but have less bass weight and extension. I've got a few 6sn7 variants here but for now have stuck with the United Electronics that Craig sent. I do plan on popping in a 6f8g and maybe a 7n7 as well for kicks. I also plan on playing with the Bendix 6106 (?) and 5y3 I have here too. I'd go for NOS 2a3s if you can find then as they bettered the JJs and are normally only marginally more expensive and sometimes less.

Whilenot the TOTL experience that the BA is and the only comparison I did was in NorCal the 2a3 does not give up much. It's not a balanced input amp like the BA and the PS in the BA is arguably better but the 2a3 is dead nuts silent. The BA to 2a3 is a tough comparison as the BA's I've heard had either PX4/300b or AD1 tubes compared to the 2a3. Craig offeres the BA in45/2a3 variation but most are being made with the PX4/300b option and from what I understand the AD1 version is no longer made.

The amp really responded to tube rolling and the change from the stock NU driver to one of my 6fg8 tubes (with adapter) improved tone and perceived headstage on both the AD2ks and the LCD2.

The amp can be made with either partial silver core or copper transformers. The partial silvers were in the amp I auditioned and I'd go that route as the copper provide slightly more gain but you lose the sonic benefits of the silver cores that according to Craig are speed and tone.

This amp really puts people in a spot that are looking at the BA as it comes close to BA quality, say a 9 out of the BA's 10 but that last bit of improvement is pretty large. I hate people that equate the percentage increase in cost to a value equation to improved sonics. First it's just not possible to truly measure improved subjective sound quality and secondly my 9 out of 10 might be someone else's 7 out of 10 depending on what their values are.

So in closing if you want to power just about all headphones (including the k1000s) and have a budget of around $3000 this amp is a slam dunk. You also can experiment with single driver high efficiency speakers while you are at it.

Here is a picture from Craig, as I failed to take a picture of it when I had it in house.


Lastly a financial disclosure, Craig paid for the amp to ship to me and I paid for the amp to ship back to him about $60.之二:
It's too bad there isn't enough love for the EC ZDT. I compared mine to Sherwood's Moth 2a3 amp and thought the two were very similar in sound although the ZDT had more power. I never compared them in detail, or to his Firstwatt F1 later, but the later amp sure did a good job with his Cicadas. I know the ZDT does a very nice job with a pair of Fostex horns - the mids are great although not as transparent as the Cicadas. I thought about buying the Cicadas on Audiogon except for the crinkled driver would drive me nuts, and I have to spend $1000 at the dentist on Tuesday (thank God for tax return).

Anyway, I'd love to see pictures of this new amp, and look forward to more impressions.

[ 本帖最后由 davidxtb 于 2011-8-24 10:29 编辑 ]

sisilfay 发表于 2011-8-24 09:38:55


雨落清晨 发表于 2011-8-24 09:43:44


davidxtb 发表于 2011-8-24 09:51:31

三極管 2A3

      http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic1.jpg            圖1http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic2.jpg            圖2http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic3.jpg            圖3      捨一取二 選擇更多
      三極膽中 最佳選擇
      根據網上資料,2A3在30年代由RCA開發出來用於當時開始流行的收音機擴音部份.當年同期的尚有PX25(1930)及比2A3(1932)稍遲面世的西電300A(1936)及300B(1938).2A3初期生產時是單屏設計,後來西電推出300A工率方面遠遠拋離2A3.RCA惟有改變設計,以雙屏設計去增加工率輸出.由於單屏2A3係只維持生產了幾年的過渡性產品,從上世紀三十多代至今經過近八十年的耗用,存世之稀少可想而知,而NOS存倉新貨就更加難求.相反雙屏設計的2A3就一直生產至60年代後期,同時除RCA外,亦有其他廠製做不同的2A3,期間亦有推出過改良版如2A3H,及加大燈絲電壓至6 . 3V的6A3,並由直熱式燈絲改為旁熱式的6A3B,最後是從4腳改8腳版的6B4G.儘管各廠工程師嘗試各種方式去改良2A3,但最後都一一在直空管長流中消失,不知是RCA眼光獨到,還正正是陰差陽錯,最先開發的2A3規格就是最佳的,並確立了一個聽迷公認的音色標準.
      http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic7.jpg            圖7http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic8.jpg            圖8http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic9.jpg            圖9      美製2A3中的佳品
      介紹了兩款不同廠的H屏外,現在要介紹的就是較少見的雙單屏(DUAL MONO PLATE),結構就是像兩塊獨立的近似長方的單屏像三文治的拼在一起(圖8),但兩屏實際上是有一定距離的.此種雙單屏結構特別,筆者曾懷疑是RCA將單屏改進為H屏,其他廠家最簡單之法將兩件單屏打孖上的臨時過渡性產品,而且差不多全部都有石墨塗層,結構亦與很多三,四十年代產製的直空管相似.如有大片水銀,近十支金屬柱支撐兩塊雲母片之間,而且有金屬彈力桿吊掛燈絲種種特徵(圖9),牌子又多數印上如KEN RAD,TUNG SOL,LAFARYETTE等等老品牌(圖10).後來陸續購入一些後期生產的發覺塗上石墨層的範圍較早期為少,而顏色較淺,只有早期的一半,除氣劑水銀的面積亦跟其他膽廠一樣越來越少,筆者手上共有數對不同年期的雙單屏,大部份結構上基本分別不大,只是水銀範圍及石墨塗層顏色深淺有別,最大分別的是看似最後期的一對,兩屏面積跟前期相若,惟看來厚度較簿一點.最大分別是兩層之間距離明顯大很多,只用二塊雲母片固定,結構較早期更簡潔,當然已見不到用有彈力金屬桿吊掛燈絲的精巧設計,是美國製2A3中較為少見的設計.音效方面與前述兩款H屏有很大分別,聲音方面人聲沒有RCA那麼有吸引力,但場面闊度及細緻度比RCA為佳.
      http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic10.jpg            圖10http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic11.jpg            圖11http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic12.jpg            圖12      三大類別 各有長處
      筆者將手上各款不同牌子及期數的古董2A3在後級SUNAUDIO SV 2A3的表現上,介紹如下:
      SUPER SILVERTONE雙屏白印字(圖14).頂層有兩件小雲母固定,上述各款明顯不同的是用四條小金屬扁條將最上層雲母固定,這外觀上的分別可大致分辨前期的2A3.筆者見過大部份最早期的雙屏RCA有小彈弓吊掛燈絲的款式及膽座有刻字均是用這種方式固定上層雲母片,同時具備以上特徵就相信是最早期的產品,從大部份的單屏RCA都有這些特徵就可知.後期除著大量生產及減輕成本,漸漸被其他方式所取代.
      法國RT H屏(圖15).一款比較少見的法國製造2A3,屏身大致同RCA外型相近,支架結構就像SYLVAINA一樣有金屬桿支撐上下層雲母片,整體結構可說是介乎於兩者之間(圖16).燈絲用較細緻的金屬桿吊掛燈絲設計,手工及用料不錯.聲音方面是歐洲膽的傳統,沒有美國膽特別像RCA突顯中音人聲,偏向柔美順滑而有實感,含蓄而又通透清麗,充滿懶洋洋的法國浪漫.
      http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic13.jpg            圖13http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic14.jpg            圖14http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic15.jpg            圖15      
      SYLVANIA H型深灰黑屏(圖17).此係除RCA外市面上較流通的美製2A3,屏身與RCA差不多,都是H型設計,分別在於上下層雲母片形狀及有支撐金屬桿,外觀上可按此兩項特徵來區分RCA.比較各種市場流行的2A3中,SYLVANIA相信係較早期出品,因為早期2A3常用的小彈弓懸吊燈絲設計與較後一點的用金屬小桿吊掛燈絲等的高成本製作均出現在這些SYLVANIA H屏上,加上大多塗上大面積除氣劑水銀,更加肯定這是較早期生產的,皆因中後期生產的真空管不論牌子已走上簡化工序,節省材料的商業主導之路.音效方面,SYLVANIA生產的膽音色一貫以細緻通透,清麗為主,高頻段比RCA去得更盡,空氣感出色,如行雲流水,人聲中音沒有RCA那麼特出,而是比較含蓄內儉,溫婉柔順.
      http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic16.jpg            圖16http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic17.jpg            圖17http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic18.jpg            圖18      第三大類美製2A3是比較特別的DUAL MONO PLATE雙單屏,此款相對前述二款H屏來說較少見,大多有黑色石墨塗層及大片水銀除氣劑.
      KEN RAD(圖18).相信是手上最早期的一款,從石墨塗層高至頂,只餘頂部一個圓圈是透明的,其餘上半身均是漆黑一片,而下半身就有大面積的水銀覆蓋.音色方面,雙單屏十分仔細,分析力很高,音場比RCA闊,RCA著重中音人聲,像歌者站在面前一樣,但雙單屏就每件樂器都聽得一清二楚,兩者真是各有優點.
      LIBERTY(圖19).石墨層從四份之一處開始,可清楚看見上部雲母及部份屏身結構,吊掛燈絲的設計跟KEN RAD略有不同.燈絲的金屬桿是從雲母頂上的支柱越過對面屏以交錯方式懸吊另一方的燈絲,此設計大多出現在早期的真空管中.
      LAFAYETTE(圖20).與LIBERTY基本一樣,相信是同年代的出品.除石墨層減少外,水銀層亦比KEN RAD略少,音效方面與LIBERTY沒有分別,都是雙單屏一貫的細緻自然,感覺只是略遜早期的KEN RAD一點點而已.
      http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic19.jpg            圖19http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic20.jpg            圖20http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic21.jpg            圖21      GE(圖21).據知GE似乎未有生產過2A3,市面上見過有RCA製造印上GE嘜,但這款雙單屏的印GE嘜比較少見,相信是與前述三款的較後期款,中間的石墨塗層較淺色,水銀當然也明顯少了,屏身維持與早期一樣,所以聲音分別不大.
      http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic22.jpg            圖22http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic23.jpg            圖23http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic24.jpg            圖24http://www.wowhififever.com/2a3fans/Copy%20of%20pic25.jpg            圖25      
      若要品評2A3,沒有單屏的參與是欠缺完整性的.筆者有幸早前購入一對連原裝盒的NOS單屏2A3(圖24/25),牌子雖然是NATIONAL UNION,但幾肯定是RCA的OEM出品.參考過網上圖片及資料,更加深信這個想法.據了解所得,單屏2A3最流行的除RCA外尚有兩款,屏身構造及支柱跟RCA明顯有分別.要欣賞與西電300A齊名的單屏2A3的美妙音效,RCA當然是首選.坦白說,未購入單屏之前,對其是有很大的期望,在實地跟雙屏作AB比較後,單屏的確是在高頻及泛音領域勝過雙屏,惟在中音人聲段就稍不及雙屏RCA的質感.正如陳主編所言,在古董膽世界,越昂貴的真空管聲音回報與價格是越不成比例的.是否值得,就看各人對不同事物的價值與期望來決定.但從整體角度看,現今市場上的雙屏2A3無論從價格,質量,選擇,實用性(例如45等工率太少)等等來看,毫無疑問雙屏2A3係最佳聲音與價格比的古董三極膽.對古董真空管有興趣的聽迷們,相信會作出明智的決定吧!

[ 本帖最后由 davidxtb 于 2011-8-30 10:17 编辑 ]

sisilfay 发表于 2011-8-24 10:20:51

可惜没得对比~ YY一下,魔鬼鱼和这东东并排开声,多好玩

雨落清晨 发表于 2011-8-24 11:25:50


flyinghail 发表于 2011-8-24 12:58:36


5522348 发表于 2011-8-24 13:08:39

求地址 观摩

王秀花 发表于 2011-8-24 13:58:34


pieryu 发表于 2011-8-24 14:02:24


davidxtb 发表于 2011-8-24 14:13:39

原帖由 王秀花 于 2011-8-24 13:58 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif

enthuse_j 发表于 2011-8-24 14:20:33


王秀花 发表于 2011-8-24 14:43:08

原帖由 davidxtb 于 2011-8-24 14:13 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif


davidxtb 发表于 2011-8-24 14:58:21

原帖由 王秀花 于 2011-8-24 14:43 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif

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查看完整版本: Eddie Current家的ZANA DEUX TRANSFORMER已停产,现已推出改进款产品2A3
