mytek 发表于 2012-7-9 13:21:23

mytek老板说mytek 192 dsd 堪比prism da2和weiss!

file:///C:/Users/think/AppData/Roaming/Tencent/Users/371935926/QQ/WinTemp/RichOle/%7BFH79F%7BFQ)CH%60TVG_]%600QU6.jpg8X192 ADDA is a professional ADDA converter with professional features. It's actually better sounding than either Prism DA2 or Weiss, but the stereo192-dsd-dac is actually yet a notch better sounding than all of these.
If you are an audiophile I'd recommend the Stereo192-dsd-dac. It's extremely good sounding with a feature set designed for audiophiles. 3 of these can be combined for surround sound playback.
Pls see more information here:
Hope this helps,
Best Regards, M

[ 本帖最后由 mytek 于 2012-7-9 13:22 编辑 ]

mytek 发表于 2012-7-9 13:27:57

1,Are their headphone-amps same?

2,Does 192's usb-interface or firewire have the same quality as Firewire(usb) DIO Card of 8192?Someone says that 192 must be added to by another usb interface...
Mytek doesn't recommend the USB interface on the 8x192 at this time, USB is needed for DSD.
3,Does 192 aim at the same sound-quality level as Prism orpheus,UA 2192,Symphony i/o or at a lower level?
Same or above Symphony and UA2192. Haven't heard Orpheus.
4,,Does 8192 aim at the same sound-quality level as Prism da2,weiss dac1 mk2 or at a lower level?
Not sure either.
5,And if 8192 is not a big setup from 192,naturally i would like to choose the latter.Does 8192's every Da-channel have the same design as 192?
It sounds like the same circuit to my ears, they are both excellent.

Best Regards,
Nathan Eldred
Atlas Pro Audio
Distributor & Sales for APA
US Distributor & US Sales for Buzz Audio
Over 80 Top Brands of Pro Audio Gear
US Toll Free 1.866.235.0953
Non US Phone: 813.746.4058

mytek 发表于 2012-7-9 13:28:25

Please see feedback to your questions below. Both units are in stock.

1,Are their headphone-amps same? - They are similar designs.

    2,Does 192's usb-interface or firewire have the same quality as Firewire(usb) DIO Card of 8192?Someone says that 192 must be added to by another usb interface... - Yes the quality is the same as the two connection methods are both bit transparent.

    3,Does 192 aim at the same sound-quality level as Prism orpheus,UA 2192,Symphony i/o or at a lower level? - Yes, it is on this level sound quality wise.
    4,,Does 8192 aim at the same sound-quality level as Prism da2,weiss dac1 mk2 or at a lower level? - It is slightly lower level.

    5,And if 8192 is not a big setup from 192,naturally i would like to choose the latter.Does 8192's every Da-channel have the same design as 192? - the newer design of the 192 has slightly better specs than the 8x192.

Best Regards,


Ryan Mcguire | International Sales & Business Development
248 591 9276 x111 | | 1603 East Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, MI 48220
For more information, visit: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Youtube

mytek 发表于 2012-7-9 13:32:03

回覆(1): Weiss Minerva vs Mytek 8x192   
小弟聽過Weiss DAC1 MK2 同Mytek 8X192
但未聽過 Weiss DAC2 / Minerva

只是由CDT/ Soundcard 接這2部DAC
Weiss DAC1 MK2在每一方面也是比Mytek 8x192好聲

但如果外接了Work Clock的話
(##CDT/Soundcard和Mytek 8X192和Word Clock 外接)
(##Weiss沒有Work Clock input 插頭外接不了Word Clock)
除了音樂味道和聲音色彩輸給Weiss 之外
其他方面都 Mytek 8x192也比 Weiss DAC1 MK2 優勝一點 ^^

mytek 发表于 2012-7-9 13:32:22

在不同場合分別聽過 DAC1, Minerva 和 Mytek 8x192. 我較喜歡精準無味精, 所以挑了 8x192. 用 8x192 的 built-in work clock 去 sync 起 source Lynx AES-16e, 心滿意足 ^_^

個人覺得用 word clock 的 Mytek 8x192, 音場深闊, 精準無比. 其他優點包括(較)平, 8 channel 另加 24 進級式 attenuator 比 monitor/headphone analogue, 抵食夾大件, 但只比感情的話差過 DAC1 一點點

mytek 发表于 2012-7-9 13:33:44

和symphony,orpheus差不多,但不知为什么可以和da2 相比。。

mytek 发表于 2012-7-9 13:41:38

引用 星空旋幻 (85楼)
ECD1 很坑爹吗 我去昌业听过一次 用1UP 做转盘 如果按水货价1W出头 我觉得是挺不错的解码啊 哪怕行货14000+ 我觉得配个4 5K左右的转盘 出现的声音 应该还是可以的吧 反而我通常对比 黑格尔HD20 做纯解码的时候 味道就不如ECD1 也就分离度以及速度有些优势

包括在没spl之前我觉得rpx33挺好的,有了spl之后觉得rpx33扯淡。有了琥珀之后又觉得spl太白太刺耳了。这东西吧 = = 咳,跟阅历也有关系,跟喜欢的声音也有关。

weiss dac2也是,有了PrismSound Orpheus之后觉得dac2,包括weiss 202,简直是扯淡的玩意,有了MYTEK 192 DSD DAC 之后觉得 PrismSound Orpheus 的解码也不过如此,当然因为还有各种话放接口之类的 Orpheus 在专业角度不算坑爹。不过我这样的只用回放和eq的就蛋疼了。

hifi器材靠谱的不太多,weiss没下水之前一个da没贵过4w,下水之后一个weiss 202马甲敢卖成那样。有些东西就是愿打愿挨,读了20年书没人理,脱个裤子就成风流美女作家宅男女神瞬间火了。

如果 PrismSound,mytek之类的换个壳子,加个漂亮的屏幕,用个金属拉丝面板+钢琴烤漆,走hifi路线。卖个10w肯定也有人捧臭脚。 嘛,买个奔驰车自然要装真皮座椅啦,可是装了真皮座椅车子就能跑快了?



mytek 发表于 2012-7-9 13:43:04


SHOWWHITE 发表于 2012-7-9 14:18:44


designest 发表于 2012-7-9 14:21:37


gaomx 发表于 2012-7-9 14:23:47


gaomx 发表于 2012-7-9 14:25:53


gaomx 发表于 2012-7-9 14:33:46

本来mytek dsd有他自己的特点和卖点,体积小巧有耳机口,虽然看起来就是一个玩具的6120而已。

nadesicozhao 发表于 2012-7-9 14:39:08

不接时钟 解码96K以内PCM 先赢过DAC-1HDR再说其他的

flyinghail 发表于 2012-7-9 14:46:56

你要能让 Prism 和 Weiss 的人说你mytek的东西比他们的好,你才真NB
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