herry 发表于 2012-11-5 23:50:21


[ 本帖最后由 herry 于 2012-11-5 23:54 编辑 ]

herry 发表于 2012-11-5 23:50:51

TheMB100 is ahigh-end 100W mono power amplifierdesigned to be used in pairs to create a stereo system. Thanks to its relatively small size several units can be used in a muti-chanel system.
TheMB100 drive capabilities are much higher than its size or its 100W power suggests.
Likeall our power amplifiers, the soundstage is large and 3-dimentional, instruments breathe, and there is a sense of air and space between them.
The MB100 provides a realistic and natural sound, capable of driving with full control and accuracy, the most demanding speakers.
Each channel is powered by eightultra low noise regulators whichprovide stable current to the power amplifiers.
To illustrate the importance of a power supply in a poweramplifier imagine that you need to precisely move a heavy weight back andforth. In order to do so you will need something stable to hold as a reference.Now imagine that your reference moves while you pull or release it, your taskwill become very difficult and the movement of the weight cannot be precise.
The power supply is the amplifier's reference. While nopower supply is perfect, actually they are almost always quite far from that.
The transformer which is the heart of the power supply ismade of copper wire which has its own impedance. Due to that impedance, whencurrent is drawn from the transformer its output voltage drops, usually by3-10% depending on the transformer quality and the current being drawn. Tominimize this effect most manufacturers use large oversized transformers that havelower impedance, and huge smoothing capacitors that serve as power reserve.Even with oversized transformers and a large bank of huge capacitors the rippleon the power rail remains in the order of several volts! Furthermore, thispower is rarely filtered and contains noise at all audible frequencies, havinga detrimental effect on sound quality.
    To overcome this problem, some high end manufacturers uselinear regulators in their power supplies. Linear regulators which are based ona feedback mechanism indeed reduce the ripple, but still suffer from arelatively high level of noise and other deficiencies inherent to way theyoperate.
The MB100 is based on a different approach. It uses aproprietary ultra low noise zero feedback regulator, a high power version ofthe SueprTeddyReg, which provides clean and stable power supply to theamplifier. This results in a natural sound with quiet background which revealsevery micro detail of the music, while maintaining a powerful and controlledbass.
In addition to the sound advantages, using this powersupply it is possible to build reasonably sized amplifiers with a sound qualitywhich surpasses much larger and heavier amplifiers. A MB100 sounds muchbigger and controlled than many 100-200W amplifiers costing several times itsprice, and indeed, the amount of controlled bass that the MB100 provides isoften among the first things that strikes the listener.
A discrete component input buffer stage, based on a zerofeedback JFET proprietary design at the input of the MB100 improvesimpedance matching and provides a silky sound, typical to high quality valveamplifiers. The input buffer stage is powered by a pair of ultra-low noiseSuperTeddyRegs.
The MB100 is built using the best available components:selected low noise JFET transistors, low noise Tantalum and PPS capacitors, andWBT NextGen sockets and binding posts. All components are mounted on a fourlayer immersion gold FR4 PCB with a star ground topology.

[ 本帖最后由 herry 于 2012-11-5 23:52 编辑 ]

yamuling 发表于 2012-11-6 00:37:54

:lol 这个我也是pinkfish论坛看来的,不能保证是否呵...


“Based on a zerofeedback JFET proprietary design at the input of the MB100” 这些只是表述输入部分,后级他没有写明。


herry 发表于 2012-11-6 09:48:12

Each channel is powered by eightultra low noise regulators whichprovide stable current to the power amplifiers,看这一句:lol

yamuling 发表于 2012-11-6 10:00:51

每声道8组超低噪音稳压模块,给后级放大提供稳定电流? 意思是?

herry 发表于 2012-11-6 12:24:54

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