至于他胆机的质量,我没听过,不敢瞎说,不过有机会会试听去先。 原帖由 江苏狗狗 于 2012-11-23 11:51 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
狗狗,信官方没问题,你是不是有必要复习一下小学语文的课本。:lol 铁饭同志在168一边喊打假,另一边又说这架子来路不明
铁饭同志,药不能停啊 原帖由 江苏狗狗 于 2012-11-23 11:51 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif按照超时空原文。除非有人证明超时空官方是假,否则,我跟着官方走,我信官方。 OK,只是jian yi 铁饭开始炒冷饭了?超时空这声明不是2010年的吗?之前已经批过一次了,现在又来一轮? 说句实在话,假的FE不错,一般用用很好了 原帖由 江苏狗狗 于 2012-11-23 14:01 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
外观也好 三越的胆机是委托长沙曙光电子管厂OEM,这种商业模式以前香港代理商常用。在经济不景气当下,搞些自主品牌利润会高些。至于是否卖假线还要看事进一步发展,总之在国内环境下,音响配件还是平价消费为好。
HiThis is an offical letter from Michael Green of MGA/RoomTune INC. It sadens me to say this but it appears that the China market is involved in piracy. Tara Labs Far East has not placed an order with MGA in over 15 years, and Systune I haven't known about until now. It's a disgrace to the audio community to have such terrible acts committed against us the original designers. There is no way these products can perform up to the levels of the originals unless the same attention is given to the curing process and the particular tooling speeds of our machinery, plus the special formula of our brass which is known by only one machinest in the USA.
My wish is that all audiophiles have the same oppertunies to have the desired sound that we involved in the "Tune" have. This sound comes from one place and would be hard to dublicate outside of it's particulars. If your having tonal or pitch problems with your audio system this could be why. You are using product that has not been properly voiced.
I would be happy to talk to your press in China if you would like to forward them to me or you may publish this statement in your audio journals yourself.
Clients who wish to purchase "real" audio products can contact me personally at michael@michaelgreenaudio.com or mgtune@yahoo.com . I would also recommend that you and your friends join us on the offical forum http://tuneland.techno-zone.net/ and you can visit my archive forum at www.tuneland.info . I would be thrilled to provide China with the "real" products and show you the latest in tuning.
michael green
http://bbs.hifi168.com/showtopic-209573-15.aspx 真的变成滑稽戏了。。。看香港人这次如何解释了。老外根本否认香港远东超时空曾经问他定过货,而且是第一次听说Systune这个产品。。。。无语了。
[ 本帖最后由 小白 于 2012-11-23 18:46 编辑 ]