继续鼓吹下NOS R2R!呵呵
If you've paid any attention to DAC development over the past few years, you've noted the vast majority of Delta-Sigma users; a far smaller group of classic multi-bit contrarians who either harvest dwindling inventories of 16-bit NOS chips (AudioNote UK, AMR), exploit industrial/military current silicon (Schiit) or mint their own ICs (Metrum); and the even smaller FPGA brigade who code programmable chips to do their bidding, sometimes in PCM mode (Chord), sometimes in DSD mode (Meitner, Playback Design, PS Audio). A fourth group of refusniks to fashion and current trending are spiritual kin to the classic multi-bit contrarians. They however execute their R2R ladders with discrete resistor arrays, not integrated chips. To this crew belong MSB from the US, S.A. Lab and Wagner Audio from Russia, LessLoss from Lithuania, Rockna Audio from Romania and today's TotalDAC from France. Where the integretniks achieve their ladder schemes stuffed into commercial chips the size of a stamp or thumb nail—they might still multi-parallel those—the diskretniks of Vincent's type have to precision match hundreds of top-shelf resistors, then use glue logic via FPGA to switch them all in the desired manner. Theirs is the difference between a prefab house and one that's built by hand, one tiny brick at a time.期待上海和苏州的丹麦套件的成品机!
lz发动了召唤术 R2R FPGA…还是信自己的耳朵吧… yukihasi 发表于 2016-4-2 13:29
R2R FPGA…还是信自己的耳朵吧…
有试听么?有不满意退货么? 如果没有,怎么信法?
当然,我只是吹毛求疵,和主题无关了。 看来r2r节奏已经让波波带的停不下来了 Zjokers 发表于 2016-4-2 16:06
谁入坑可概不负责哈! 正想着方波君哪儿去了,果然在 AnalogDevices 发表于 2016-4-2 17:21
Neon Genesis Squarewave! 什么乱七八糟的。。。。
另外,是不是R2R政治不正确? 咋回事?? 南方小孩 发表于 2016-4-2 15:13
有试听么?有不满意退货么? 如果没有,怎么信法?