发烧猫 发表于 2017-12-7 11:31:58

荷兰版 EMI Light of Life

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1. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: Meditation
2. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: Seek Him that maketh the seven stars
3. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: As Jesus passed by
4. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: Be not extreme, O Lord
5. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: Neither hath this man sinned
6. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: Light out of darkness
7. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: And when He had thus spoken
8. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: Doubt not thy Father's care!
9. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: He went this way before
10. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: As a spirit didst Thou pass before mine eyes
11. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: They brought him to the Pharisees
12. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: Thou only hast the words of life!
13. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: But the Jews did not believe
14. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: Woe to the shepherds of the flock!
15. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: Jesus heard that they had cast him out
16. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: I am the good Shepherd
17. The Light of Life ('Lux Christi'), oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 29: Light of the World, we know Thy praise
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