糖糖糖晨晨 发表于 2020-10-21 15:06:21

阳光枫林 发表于 2020-10-20 17:01
音色的质感和细腻度,Diablo赢不了N2多少,但低频的缺失对整体表现的影响是很大的。接下来,劲浪会一直便 ...

好的 明白了

糖糖糖晨晨 发表于 2020-10-21 15:08:04

hzh9772 发表于 2020-10-21 07:52
我將來也是n2 和 diablo裏選。我的面積大約30平米,所以大概率還是n2 。功放準備用金嗓子e800來推。音源是e ...


阳光枫林 发表于 2020-10-21 15:38:32


糖糖糖晨晨 发表于 2020-10-20 16:37

youduoliang 发表于 2020-10-21 20:39:16

Diablo... No bottom,whatever you do, just no bottom. tried with relentless still same. Sopra N3, N2 do have bass, the bass is warm and fat,it doesn't go very deep, lacks some details and swiftness.

糖糖糖晨晨 发表于 2020-10-21 23:58:29

youduoliang 发表于 2020-10-21 20:39
Diablo... No bottom,whatever you do, just no bottom. tried with relentless still same. Sopra N3, N ...

Which master said these words? Is it the official reply of the manufacturer?

youduoliang 发表于 2020-10-22 00:30:07

糖糖糖晨晨 发表于 2020-10-21 23:58
Which master said these words? Is it the official reply of the manufacturer?

That's what I felt when listening to those speakers. Try them and compare them to other speakers of similar size to find answers for yourself.Diablo has less bass than Magico A1, 805d3, and Confidence C20.

糖糖糖晨晨 发表于 2020-10-22 00:43:11

youduoliang 发表于 2020-10-22 00:30
That's what I felt when listening to those speakers. Try them and compare them to other speakers o ...

I believe what you said. But I'd like to ask why Diablo is much more expensive than 805 and a1, much higher grade, but the bass is not as good as the 805 and a1?

糖糖糖晨晨 发表于 2020-10-22 00:53:47

youduoliang 发表于 2020-10-22 00:30
That's what I felt when listening to those speakers. Try them and compare them to other speakers o ...

Or is Diablo compared to 805 or a1, and its advantages are reflected elsewhere?Thank you.

youduoliang 发表于 2020-10-22 01:28:31

糖糖糖晨晨 发表于 2020-10-22 00:43
I believe what you said. But I'd like to ask why Diablo is much more expensive than 805 and a1, mu ...

Good question. I have to say because there is no fxxking gold standard in this industry. no like CPU or GPU in the computer world. It's art. For example, expensive clothes are not necessary to be beautiful.One man's "bright, analytical" may be another man's "clean, transparent, and fast". One man's "smooth and warm" may be another man's "dull and vague".

We humans have different tastes. That's why we have so many choices of speakers, preamps, power amps, and cables. They don't do pricing by absolute performance, the pricing strategy are more about other factors.

youduoliang 发表于 2020-10-22 01:35:56

I visited Magico, Focal, and other factories. I can tell you for speakers, the 70% plus of total pure manufacturing cost (excludes marketing, designing, logistics and etc) is on the speaker's cabinet. Surprise? The woofers and tweeters don't cost as much as you would expect.

糖糖糖晨晨 发表于 2020-10-22 02:16:58

youduoliang 发表于 2020-10-22 01:35
I visited Magico, Focal, and other factories. I can tell you for speakers, the 70% plus of total pur ...

So, you after listening to so many brands of speakers, Diablo's sound quality in the end there is no 805D3 good? Or the 805D3 is just that the bass is better than Diablo's, that's all?

msms_FJIdi5F3 发表于 2020-10-22 02:36:58


youduoliang 发表于 2020-10-22 04:27:23

糖糖糖晨晨 发表于 2020-10-22 02:16
So, you after listening to so many brands of speakers, Diablo's sound quality in the end there is...

Nope. They all sound good. but I do have my own preference. I have full range floor standing speakers so if I pick a pair of bookshelf speakers as my second system, the bass of diablo will not be the deal-breaker.

msms_FJIdi5F3 发表于 2020-10-22 14:20:34

阳光枫林 发表于 2020-10-21 15:38
Diablo并不比N2难推,但无论你用多好的功放推Diablo,都不会有N2的低频、规模感和平衡度,只是中高频细腻 ...


过客2018 发表于 2020-10-22 14:59:29

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