小白一枚,只知道额定功率和最大功率,最近看到很多音箱上面写着10W-120W,50W-250W这些。请问这些区间功率是什么意思,例如10w-120W这个,是代表在这个区间里面都没问题吗?(长时间超过10W,比如40W或者50W使用会有问题吗?)这种区间功率和一般的额定+最大功率标示有啥区别呢?谢谢!!~:)Home electronic applicants are usually working at constant power supply.But speakers have complex impedance and the voltage of music signal keeps swinging, that's why power consumption of speakers and amplifiers is changing constantly. youduoliang 发表于 2020-10-28 00:01
Home electronic applicants are usually working at constant power supply.But speakers have complex...
thanks,is that means, that those speakers accept any output power point of amplifier in the power range of such speakers? (for long term) dalek 发表于 2020-10-28 00:30
thanks,is that means, that those speakers accept any output power point of amplifier in the powe ...
that's correct. RMS power and Peak Power are different. High wattage amplifier is always better than low wattage, it's not about to crank it up to 1000 watts. low wattage power amp may burn your tweeter once clipped. 区间一般表示驱动一对喇叭至少要多少瓦数的功放,把一对喇叭推足需要多少瓦数的功放。额定功率一般指的是长时间连续承载的最大瓦数,最大功率一般指的是瞬间能够承载的最大瓦数。 本帖最后由 阳光枫林 于 2020-10-28 06:28 编辑
一般听音乐功放输入音箱的平均功率也就是1-10瓦每声道,看喇叭和空间大小,极少数大作品可以达到10-15瓦。播放大编制作品在某个瞬间输入音箱的最大功率可以达到50-100瓦,大喇叭在大空间瞬间可以到200-300瓦,但这都只是瞬间的,也就1-2秒。一般家庭环境下的音响系统如果连续输入40-50瓦,声压太大耳朵吃不消,大别墅和大喇叭除外。 youduoliang 发表于 2020-10-28 00:01
Home electronic applicants are usually working at constant power supply.But speakers have complex...
Why d'not you write these in Chinese:P zhougs 发表于 2020-10-28 08:28
Why d'not you write these in Chinese