去年电费特别多,最近想装光伏减少一点第三阶梯电费,去供电局找人查询了一下用电情况。三相电,某相一直有8A电流,24小时。差不多1.7KW。隐隐怀疑是单独用的音响那条专线,唯有它是24小时待机的。一直开着的有电源处理器、CD机、时钟。前后级是要听时才开机。逐个排查,发现问题出在电源处理器。好家伙,一年电费要1.7*24*365*0.53=7892元。晕死,还没算阶梯电价。去年8月开始就用第三阶梯了。暂时就不公布是哪个牌子的电源处理器了,免得影响人家生意,但还是要说,这款电源处理器生音还是不错的。在这里发帖,就是提醒一下大家,主动式的处理器,可能在烧你的钱哦。所以不用任何主动的,一个怕音染二个就跟功放一样,开着也不一定有功率调节 按理说后面音响系统没开机的话,电处理的功耗也是极低的。这个什么电处理,感情还是纯甲类的? 1.7*24*365*0.53=7892元
作为参考,嗓子1250电处空载时是55w,一天消耗1.32度电,按0.53元的电价,一年就200多电费;嗓子纯甲类A300,空载耗电230w,一天耗电5.52度,一年也就1000出头的电费 Only you....不太符合常理,一直没考虑用AQ的电处! 这个,估计是niagara的power crrection的功能,给电表造成误判。解决方式很简单,不适用时候不需要关机,把后面的power crrection开关打到standby就行。
The standby function was not created to place the connected system into a standby or switched mode, but
rather to place the Transient Power Correction Circuit into standby mode (disengaged), for instances when the
system is powered but not functioning (i.e., when there is no signal present). This was implemented because
the Transient Power Correction Circuit creates a reactive current draw of as much as 9 to 10 amps RMS at idle
(real world draw is a small fraction of an amp), and electrical technicians who connect a current probe to a
product such as this are frequently alarmed: They suspect that the product is either broken or that it is drawing a
distressingly high amount of current from the wall outlet (akin to a power amplifier left in full operational mode).
This is actually far from the truth. If the Niagara 5000 was consuming that much current (or even 30% of that
level), it would need to dissipate the energy loss in heat. It would be quite warm (even hot) to the touch, just
like most power amplifiers while in operation. In fact, the Niagara 5000 runs cool, precisely because this current
reading is false. The circuit utilizes massive capacitive reactance across the AC line, which, akin to a battery, will
both absorb and immediately release the current several times per second. Further, when incorporated with
power supplies such as those found in power amplifiers, the current readings actually come down. This is due
to what’s known as a vector load, and it’s quite dynamic in an audio/video system. In this scenario, there is one
thing that can run somewhat warmer than it might otherwise: the AC cord that supplies power to the Niagara
5000. This is because the wiring and the circuit breaker that supply power to Niagara 5000 simply look at RMS
current and do not distinguish between reactive loads, resistive loads, or inductive loads, but your utility does. 是不是电处坏了不符合常理啊 我的也是同款,改天看看用电消耗,以前没注意过,也是从不关机 电处空载哪来这么大负荷 这不合理的,根据能量守恒定律,那1.7千瓦的能量会散发到空气中,那就等于冬天用的油汀取暖器,请问房间的温度会升高 10度吗。
所以这个情况肯定是电表有问题,叫供电所将以前多收的电费吐回来就对了 虽然我是习惯关机的,但是还是不敢相信一个电源处理器一年空耗7892元电费,供电公司高兴死了;P 我觉得是不是别人家的线并到你家电表上了,要供电局查线路 不可能的 你这样每个月是按第三阶收,买个测电插测一下电处那里就知道 我也是AQ Niagara 5000,没发现电费高。