发表于 2004-5-5 22:41:26
Badische 国家歌剧院交响乐团是个历史非常悠久的乐团,它的历史可以上溯到1662年Baden-Durlach 宫廷的乐团,1933年更用现名。李斯特曾经指挥过它演出贝多芬的第九交响曲,瓦格纳、理查德·施特劳斯、汉斯·普夫茨纳等伟大作曲家都曾经指挥过这个乐团,它还演出过勃拉姆斯第一交响曲的世界首演,1880到1904年,在音乐指导Felix Mottl的统率下,这个乐团所在的Karlsruhe国家歌剧院赢得了“小拜罗伊特”的美称,由此可见这个乐团跟瓦格纳歌剧的渊源和演奏传统。
Brilliant Classics公司出品的超级廉价唱片往往能给我们带来惊喜,鲁道夫·巴尔沙伊指挥WDR Sinfonieorchester的肖斯塔科维奇交响曲全集就是最鲜明的例子之一。Günter Neuhold1995年指挥录制的这个指环现场演出可能会是另一个惊喜,至少它一定会是我们能够见到的最便宜的但未必是不值一听的指环全剧。至少我在网上看到过一则评论,对这套唱片,除了包装以外,是颇好评的,认为“This recording of Der Ring des Nibelungen is one of the biggest surprises I've had in collecting recordings of the Ring. There is a great deal to recommend it, not least of which is the incredible price.”并且说“I would definitely recommend it as a first recording, or as an addition to any collection. Neuhold's is a very listenable and rewarding interpretation which has been excellently and accurately performed, and successfully recorded with very good DDD sound. This is no second-class Ring.” |