The Antares utilizes Shunyata Research's patented Helix geometry in a massive-gauge, hand-braided design that is peerless in performance. The Antares delivers the spatial timing, speed and micro-dynamic characteristics of the finest ribbon designs without sacrificing the powerfrul weight and natural tonal timbre of live music.The Antares' patented geometry minimizes able-induced reactive inductance and capacitance that distorts the electrical waveform - degrading system performance. Despite its massive size, the Antares is lightweight and extremely flexible in use.
The Antares是蛇王厂的专利技术,利用专利螺旋几何结构,手工编织的设计,提供无以伦比的音质表现。它提供的空间、时间,速度和细节,及动态特性,同时,不会对信号有任何的损失,以提供重量感的音质和自然色调音色的音乐。屏蔽的专利几何结构可以减少负面的电容和电感电波形失真。虽然线身的结构庞大,但其线身的重量却很轻,因而在使用中很灵活、方便。
Patented Helix Geometry
Patent US6,242,689 专利号
Dual counter-rotating conductors with an offset Helix geometry 双反旋转导体与偏移螺旋几何
Minimizes inductive and capacitive reactance 最大限度地减少电感和电容电抗