发表于 2010-1-7 15:01:53
恭喜楼主,Asus的Essence已经上了Stereophile封面并且光荣的成为了上过Stereophile封面的最便宜的产品,其测试结果令John Atkinson大跌眼镜(跟俺做过的测试结果近似)。
John compares the Essence first to the Squeezebox and he feels that the Squeezebox 'fell a little short of the Xonar Essences. The bass lacked extension and the highs were grainier.... the soundstage was less well developed, the hall sounding a bit smaller and drier.'
In a second comparison (which I felt was unfair), the Essences are compared to Ayre's QB-9 D/A processor that costs $2500 and has received Stereophile Product Of The Year award. He felt that with the Ayre, 'low frequencies had even more authority, high frequencies were silkier'. He concludes the comparison by saying that 'the Essence was very good, but the QB-9 was all I could imagine wanting or need - at 12 times the prices of course.'
The Xonar Essence STX and Essence ST soundcards are by far the least expensive way of turning a PC into a genuine high resolution audio source I have yet encountered. Neither the Essences’ resolution nor their low levels of noise are compromised by having to operate in the electrically unfriendly environment of a computer chassis. Assuming that the problems I encountered using the Xonar Audio Center to play files at 96 and 192kHz were specific to my computer/operating-system setup, both cards worked reliably, and using the ASIO4 virtual playback device did resolve those problems. However, given the increasing number of high-quality files being offered for download with sample rates of 88.2 to 176.4kHz, their omission is a major impediment to my giving either of these cards a universal recommendation.
And the fact that the Essences are compatible only with PCs is a problem for those who, like me, have found the Mac a more friendly environment for playing music from a computer. But for playing back CD-sources files, I can unreservedly recommend the Xonar Essence, in either of it's guises, as the least expensive means of extracting true high end sound from a PC.
说实话asus应该没什么兴趣花钱去给hifi产品做广告,这篇是枪的可能性不高。跟很多head-fier一样,这让我感觉到自己是the smartest guy in the world by purchasing the Xonar Essence,考虑到俺还鼓吹过这一块声卡 ^_^ |