发表于 2023-9-25 14:11:22
除了箱子跟系統跟錄音, 房間不一樣重要嗎?
我現在我舞台不大不少, 就是半個房間
LZ我看你也研究很久了, 要不要試一下定位李的室相連?
第十章 – 喇叭擺位 – 老師傅的方法 Tips from Masters(2)
定位李的Room Coupling
定位李也是香港發燒高人,也許是香港玩屏風喇叭的專家,發燒音響出版之際,陳主編己經經常提到定位李和他的大屏風,出神入化,有朋友到他的家裡聽過,說定位精準,令人乍舌,一張Du Pre 的大提琴奏鳴曲,聆聽者在位置上真是聽到一支大提琴在你的前面,所以喇叭擺位的定位,應該是認了第二,沒有人敢認第一。在港陸的網站中,也常會看到他的獨立聆聽空間的照片,各位也可到北京道一號網站和李先生交流。
李先生的喇叭擺位,自成一家,博覽中外經書也只在Nordst 的white paper 看過喇叭位置和聆聽位置對調的方法,但絕對沒有這方法的精妙。Stereo Sound石井也提過小喇叭選擇擺放時可選擇低頻較響的位置,但是靠測量來達成目標。
傳統喇叭擺法,不管是Wilson 的Neutral Zone,或是Cardas 的神奇1.618 都是隨著之路線,都是把房間的負面因素減到最低,另外大部分都是著重低頻駐波的處理,李先生的方法,稱Room Coupling (房交連),目的是將喇叭和房間連成一體,天人合一,房間變成喇叭合理延伸,喇叭從小變大,音樂的層次,定位都會歷歷在目,音樂重播因而達到另一境界。這方法李先生已經鑽研三十多年,也不是博士論文的複雜,方法簡單而容易重複,把李先生的原話和大家分享:
Here comes the core—the action part of the whole thing, a method that has proven to work wonders for me over the last 30 odd years.
Have the speakers placed along the lengths of the room, A B Out ¼ to 1/3 from the back wall, and ¼ the breadth roughly. Then play some vocal music, the hilarious type, the more instruments the better.
Now walk slowly to and fro along the mid-line between the speakers, from one end of the room to the other and then back, may be several times to get the mind set (if the speakers are standing low, you may well have to crawl). Somewhere along the aisle, you would hear the sound getting louder and at the same time it rises A B Ove your head, filling the ceiling as if you’ve entered a Gothic church. Bingo, that is it, the focal point.
Mark this focal point and drag your speakers over the lateral line crossing the spot. You’ve just coupled your speakers to your room. What is left, may be the crucial part yet, is to find the perfect stereo seat. As the name suggests, you’ll have to look for the widest stereo soundstage again along the aisle, between the speakers. If one side of the room does not give you the best definition and soundstage, try the other side. I was the one having my seat moved over to the wrong side of the room to get the best out of my system.
Final note, if you are unable to find the focal spot despite trekking up and down diligently the whole afternoon, your room dimension is probably too bad to be a listening room. Try another room if you have one. If not you’ll have to move house. |