Robert Harley没有具体说道格式,但他说Sooloos用的是EAC(Exact Audio Copy),我猜音乐格式是WAV吧。他的博客上有带去另一个URL。另一个Playback编辑Chris Martens说:
As long as the game is restricted to the CD format only, PC + DAC combos can perform very well and can be (I think) competitive with very high quality standalone CD players
(翻译:如果只放CD的话,PC + DAC音质表现非常好,我认为可以和高端CD机抗衡。)
Robert Harley没有具体说道格式,但他说Sooloos用的是EAC(Exact Audio Copy),我猜音乐格式是WAV吧。他的博客上有带去另一个URL。另一个Playback编辑Chris Martens说:
As long as the game is restricted to the CD format only, PC + DAC combos can perform very well and can be (I think) competitive with very high quality standalone CD players
(翻译:如果只放CD的话,PC + DAC音质表现非常好,我认为可以和高端CD机抗衡。)