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01. AQ 哥伦比亚
- 人声靓,中频华丽,似置身仙境一样,较重味
02. AQ king cobra
- 快声,中频好,低音实
03. Acrolink 2110II
- 分析力不俗 , 中频较厚 , 高低频伸廷佳 , 高音量多 , 有层次感但不算通
04. JPS superconductor2
- 分析力强 , 高低频伸极佳 , 全频平均 , 高音华丽有层次 , 有深度
05. Taralabs Vector II
- 速度快, 空气感强, 少少薄声但有中低(同一般taralabs 有别), 分析力中上, 密度低.
06. JPS Superconductor Q
- 速度快, 少少薄声, 静, 分析力中上.
07. Kimber Select 1121
- 速度正常, 薄声少低频, 分析力高, 超静, 密度高, 高频超顺滑细緻.
08. xlo ultra 1
- 立体感强,通透,静
09. Nordost Heimdall RCA
- 一个字恨. 高尽低实. 醒神
10. Cardas Golden Cross RCA
- 味非常浓, 中频厚重, 声慢, 条幼肥大 高频无光
11. Accuphase 7N RCA
- 少甜, 全频平衡, 线条幼, perfect match with accuphase
12. XLO Reference 2 RCA
- 颗粒粗, 全频平衡, 线身很弹
13. XLO Signature 2 Shielded RCA
- 非常静, 声音自然, 线条正常, 但必须两端接地
14. XLO Signature 2 Balance
- 分析力适中, 刚强有力, 宁静度不及 Shielded RCA
15. Tara Lab Air 3 Series 1 RCA
- 分析力高, 快上快落, 中底欠缺, 高频偏硬, 线身非常硬
16. acrolink2200
- 有分析力,静、暖,但声音比较平,欠层次感。
17. acrolink2110
- 有分析力,静、暖,中音唔差,高低伸廷都唔错。各方面比 2200 优胜。
18. acrolink2400
- 条线个接头係青铜和碳纤维做的,条线超静,分柝力强,暖,低音实,高音顺滑,
19. STEALTH rca Nanofiber (pure carbon)
- 空气感强!全频通透!人声浮凸!好似什麽都好鬼好!唔知仲可以点!
20. VDH D102 MKIII
- not worth mentioning
21. VDH integration hybrid
- smooth, laid back, dark (not only the background but the music itself)
and boring!
23. Audio note Lexus
- the resell value was good and I sold it in 4 weeks since it was brought brand new!
Can't remember it's characteristic but nothing really impressed!
24. Kimber Silver Streak
- transparent, vivid high and mid, loose bass, forward, a bit coarse when compare
to KS1130 and Heimdall
25. Siltech G5 SQ28 MK2
- believe it or not, Silver streak excels in all departments!
26. Analysis plus solo crystal
- very good IC indeed, warm yet lively and detailed, good high and mid, full body,
less refine bass as compare to KS1130, heimdall and quattro fil.
27. Kimber KS1130
- very detailed, transparent and 3D, excellent high, tight and extended bass,
the only downside is a bit tense and agressive
28.Nordost Heimdall
- excellent cable! Crystal clear, lively, focus and palpable vocal, excellent low level
details, tight and extended bass though not as powerful as KS1130
29. Nordost Quattro fil
- the best IC I have used ever. If you find heimdall is good, Quattro fil is better in
all aspects. I found all other cables I've ever heard are congested, artificial,
coloured or defective, since I own the QF! Don't know how good Vahalla is but
don't want to try as can't afford it yet!
30. Zu OxyFuel
- 高频伸延性好, 低音稍弱, 对肥厚音帮助明显
- 快声,欠了少少低频, 口型细.有 D 似 ZU 的 GEDEII
32. Analysis Plus Golden Oval XLR
- 直率, 高频华丽开扬, 中音质感好, 人声厚度适中, 低频乾淨控制力好, 全频分析力好, 超静,
[ 本帖最后由 开裆裤 于 2010-8-28 19:47 编辑 ] |