发表于 2012-6-16 18:22:32
原帖由 sun731 于 2012-5-8 07:08 发表 如果你还是个中国人,就别用这个厂子的东西。它网站FAQ的态度,已经足够的鄙视made in China.我不想给大家翻译,玩head fi的人,应该不至于连英语都读不懂,自己到厂家的网站上去读读吧。如果你觉得被人鄙视 ...
Do you seriously make your stuff in the USA?
Yep. We worked long and hard to get our designs and chassis so they could be assembled by first-world labor for prices similar to the Chinese. That’s why you won’t see a single wire in our products, and why our chassis are an ultra-simple (but cool-looking) two-part design.
我觉得你想多了,Schiit Audio的胖子老板一贯喜欢搞些美式幽默,从他对自己产品的命名到各种无厘头解释就可以看出来
实际上Schiit Audio在展会上都大量使用hifiman的平板耳机作为示范搭配,如果他们真的鄙视中国,就没有任何这样做的理由
文化差异有时真的会造成很多误读。不知道这位老兄如果看了“南方公园”,是不是也要“义愤填膺”一番? |