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发表于 2012-7-6 15:41:53
原帖由 andrekknd 于 2012-7-6 14:40 发表 请教一下兔子头,帮别人煲线收到一对Ea,对着光看,外PE管子里有液体一样的东西,线芯是浸泡在里面的,请问EA用的这个是啥技术。版本就是最新的Praesto Revision EA还是FLUID的屏蔽层的,下面是所谓的提升之处
Praesto Revision:
Purist Audio Design is introducing a new revision for all of the cable lines, called Praesto Revision. Praesto is Latin meaning to be outstanding, to excel, and to surpass. That is exactly what we did with the Praesto Revision! The Praesto Revision provides improvements in three main areas:
* The Metallurgy of the conductors线芯的冶炼技术
* The Shielding technologies屏蔽技术
* The Cosmetics of the cables线外观
These across the board improvements in the design of our cables will yield amazing sonic improvements! Each of our cables will be quieter with more transparency, and more speed! Finally, to improve ease of use we are adjusting cosmetics. Each line will have it own unique color on the label to better distinguish between cable lines. We are also implementing uniform color coding to better signify Right/Left, Digital, and Center Channel. Praesto Revision represents our continuing passion to bring audiophile music through the science of sound!
2、改进屏蔽阻尼物料,Fluid(非液体的啫哩状涂层)、Ferox(硅黏稠颗粒物质,doped silicon-based granular material)及Contego(半流质稀薄硅黏稠semi-fluid slurry of doped silicon),这类屏蔽层可增加避震的用途,使得高频有更佳空气感和延伸力,中频可以更柔顺吸引,而低频则更饱满紧实。
3、添加了金属沙粒,Praesto Revision领导系列在制作上最大特色是线内用上金属沙粒,这种金属沙粒能提供极佳的化震控震效果,让声音更稳定、凝聚,低频更为结实有力。
Elementa Advance, the metallurgy is improved, providing more detail in the bass regions with air and separation between notes. There is a depth in the midrange that now draws one into listening for hours with these cables. Sonically, the enhancements gives the cables the sound of a "poor man's Proteus Provectus".
[ 本帖最后由 davidxtb 于 2012-7-6 16:00 编辑 ] |