发表于 2013-2-6 19:02:23
回复 8# 的帖子
Air 25 is Better:
“Today I was listening to several speakers (Dynaudio Air 25, Air20, BM15, BM12, KH 0300 etc.). I prepared a set of my intimately known "reference" pieces, as well as some recent mastering projects. I must say I was very impressed by Air25. They sound like a steep upgrade from Matrix in terms of detailed rendering and bass fullness and clearness. I heard thing I have not heard so far on Matrix.
KH 0300 are very nice , but a bit small for my purpose. And the highs seems to be too "round" there somehow. But for sure, the best nearfield I have heard so far.
BTW - it was hard to believe how bad BM15 sounded ... There was also Behringer Truth there and they sounded much better.
Air20 was nice too, Air 25 yet better ... After I returned home and listened again on my speakers, I feel I may go for Air 25 soon ... I don´t feel like playing some lottery with (expensive) amps etc. Air 25 sounded simply great - clean, full, detailed, extremely revealing. The idea of full control and adjustment within a software (listening EQ, presets etc.) seems also very appealing ” |