发表于 2013-2-17 15:27:32
Our Plan
•1. The license for the Mac OSX version will be separate from the Windows version. Mac版本授权将与Win版本授权分开发售。
•2. Initial releases will have a 30 day timeout. There will probably be several of these. 初始的试用版本只有30天的使用期,也许将有多个试用版本。
•3. The final price will probably be the same as the Windows version ($49.98). 最终售价可能会与Win版本售价持平(49.98美金)。
•4. The Early Bird price will be $24.98, with no refunds offered, so don't buy it unless you're sure. 首批销售价格为24.98美金,请确认后购买,无退款。
•5. It probably won't be dependable for daily use for the first 3 months. 在前三个月里日常使用可能不太稳定。
•6. It will be audio-only for the first year. 在第一年里将仅支持音频播放功能。
感谢关注JRiver MC MAC 版,欢迎加入JRiver用户QQ群282466456。
[ 本帖最后由 希洛奥德 于 2013-2-22 14:06 编辑 ] |