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请在法国的朋友问了下 。。朋友粘给我的 回复如下:
Dear SIr ,
We joined a French explanation because you seems to have a good french.
But we add a little text in English. (excuse our limited English).
As you can imagineif some very sophisticated builder as Pioneer TAD and Focaluse the Berilium, it's because thatnot harmful when it is in metal dome formed.
If that should be really dangerousthat should be internationally prohibited everywhere !
This metal is only harmfulwhen it isunder gaz formduring the building of the cones into our factory(Need to be heat up and vaporized to make a be dome).
At first in this situation breathe directly this gaz could be dangerous for the health.
When the metal is formed you can compar the Be versu the lead ()...
In solid metal form the Berilium could be compared to the lead(not good for heath but much less dangerous than Mercury used everywhere during several century) .
It's just necessary to avoid to cut your finger or other body part with a piece of beryllium. But even if, that would remains a very little poison (but not really serious).
And no real reason with a such little dome tweeter.
Best regards,
Focal France support.
意思就说处于固态稳定性的金属情况下是无毒的 只有汽化才有毒
自己别去碰就好了 。。。。
到底SOLO 6BE 要不少把高音罩住呢。。。
[ 本帖最后由 OzZ 于 2013-3-2 16:57 编辑 ] |