达人艺典-打击乐发烧专辑 鼓·达人 鼓·达人《Drum Twist》
2010年元旦,参加国家大剧院——华丽奏响 李飚打击乐师生新年音乐会,并演奏独奏、重奏作品,获得好评。
在丰富的演出经历外,刘恒更致力于打击乐曲目的创作与改编,除了传统的打击乐独奏、重奏曲目外,刘恒将打击乐与电子音乐结合,为打击乐开辟了更新的一片音乐领域。创作的曲目有打击乐重奏《Graduated Bossa》,《MK5》, 《Face to Face》,打击乐独奏《MK solo》, 《One by One》, 打击乐与电子音乐《Travelling》,《Perc_Drum n Bass》,《Percumotion》,《MK》,《打击乐梦想家》等,并在国家大剧院,中央音乐学院音乐厅、演奏厅,上海音乐厅,西安音乐厅,西安音乐学院音乐厅多次演奏自己作品。
2012年5月,刘恒成功举办了“打击乐梦想家——刘恒西洋打击乐硕士毕业音乐会”,在中国首演了如丹麦作曲家皮尔.诺加的《易经》(全曲)、艾美纽.萨若内的《颤音琴协奏曲》、艾瑞克.萨缪特的《Zapping Trio》以及自己的第四打击乐于电子音乐作品《打击乐梦想家》等多部作品,并在音乐会中加入电子音乐、多媒体视频技术和交互式多媒体技术于鲍勃.贝克的《Mudra》和雅克布.德拉科曼的《水中六影》中,获得评委和各界老师一致好评,并于同年7月以专业第一名的成绩毕业于中央音乐学院。
2012年6月,刘恒于中央音乐学院西洋打击乐专业毕业生李彦超共同组建了“pd Duo”打击乐与架子鼓二重奏,用打击乐来演奏各类风格的音乐,并与2012年7月首演,受到一致好评,并于同期灌录“pd Duo”打击乐与架子鼓二重奏首张唱片并发行。
2012年11月,出版发行《打击乐梦想家 – 刘恒打击乐音乐会》DVD,并于全国进行发售。
LiuHeng As one of the top percussionist of the newgenerations, Liu Heng comes with the new ideas on the percussion performanceand composing.
In his 26 years, Liu Heng has been theTimpani and Associate Principal Percussion of the National Centre for thePerforming Arts Orchestra of China. He is also sponsored by MEINL PERCUSSION,MEINL CYMBAL, and “HAN” Drum Stick.
Liu Heng is born in Xi’an. He began hispercussion study with his father Liu Yaguang, who is a percussion professor inthe Xi’an Conservatory of Music. When he was 13 years old, he played a MarimbaConcerto and won the 1st prize in Xi’An. He also takes performance in Europelike Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria.
In 2005, he started his percussion study inthe Central Conservatory of Music with Prof. Liu Gang and Prof. Li Biao. In2009, he was recommended for the Master Degree study on the percussion in thesame Conservatory (CCOM).
In 2006, he won the 1st prize of theperfessional group on the “2nd session of the percussion competition in China”,and he won the scholarship of “Fu Chengxian” in CCOM and the scholarship ofYAMAHA.
He founded the Modern Percussion Group inCCOM, and composed many different style of percussion music like classical, latin,jazz, fusion, fumk and so on with the group members, and played percussionconcert in many different college in Beijing.
He joined the Li Biao Percussion Group at thesame time, and as a percussionist and percussion teacher attended in manyconcert and percussion camp.
In his 23 years, he joined the NationalCentre for the Performing Arts Orchestra of China as a Timpanist and theAssiciated Principle Percussionist.
In 2011, he wrote and published the book“African Drumming” with the “Toning Drum”, which is the first African drummingbook in China..
Liu Heng is also committed to the percussionand electronic music composing and arrangement. He composed the percussionensemble piece “MK 5”, ”Graduated Bossa”. “Face to Face”, percussion solo piece“MK solo”, “One by One”, percussion and electronic piece “Travelling”, “MK”,“Percumotion”, “Perc_Drum and Bass”, “the Dream of Percussion”,and he performedhis piece in the NCPA Concert Hall, CCOM Concert Hall, Shanghai Concert Hall,Xi’an Concert Hall and XAOM Concert Hall.
In August 2011 he took a “Liu Heng percussionsolo concert” in the “6th session of the competition in China”, showed hispercussion philosophy and attitude and won a high opinion.
In May 2012, he held “the Dream ofPercussion——Liu Heng Percussion Solo Concert” in CCOM Concert Hall. Hepremiered many piece in China, and played with the interactive media andelectronic music with his own writing piece in that concert. He won anexcellent comment and high opinion from all the professors, teachers andaudience and got his Master Degree of Percussion with the 1st scores.
In June 2012, he founded the “pd Duo”——thePercussion and Drumset Duo with Li Yanchao, who is one of the best DrumsetArtist, and premiered the concert in CCOM Recital Hall with a high opinion inJuly. Later, they recorded their first CD and published it to the world.
In October 2012, he was invited to performingin the NCPA International Percussion Festival. which is the toppist percussionfestival in China, as a “Youmg Percussionists”, and he was invited to write anew percussion esemble picee to play in the festival which named “Impression ofChina”, also he played his electronic music and percussion piece “Percomotion”in the concert.
2009年先后加入红色浆果乐队和原“红乐团”并在北京各个LIVE HOUSE演出及大学开演唱会并录制首张作品,并在10年参加北京迷笛音乐节、地坛音乐节、张北音乐节和上海朱家角音乐节的演出。同年,参加了九门爵士音乐节演出、中央音乐学院首届国际管乐打击乐艺术节演出、参与美国steve houghton大师课,并做了现场展示演奏,得到大师的一致好评。后加入爵士鼓,非洲鼓,打击乐,教学与推广。担任中国青年交响乐团打击乐首席,参加中央音乐学院校庆70周年演出。同年受曲沫邀请录制个人专辑。并受中央电视台邀请参加中华情栏目现场伴奏。为中国移动公司年会编排节目。同时加入蕾蒂与杰特曼乐团。
LiYanchao Li Yanchaowas born in a family ofpercussionists, and became fond of percussion music from a young age. He wenton to study at the Central Conservatory of Music, where he specialized in jazzpercussion, but also became skilled in a variety of types of westernpercussion, and soon became well known by musicians throughout China. Li later studied under the tutelage of severalrenowned percussionists, including Yang Xitao of the Zhuzhou City Flower DrumTroupe; Huang Zhongshanof the Hunan Province Song and Dance Troupe; National Military Band leadpercussion instructor, educator, and performer Zheng Jianguo; and in 2008,after being accepted into the Central Conservatory of Music, Li became adisciple of renowned Chinese percussion professor and chief of percussion atthe China Grand National Theater, Mr. Liu Gang. In 2003 and 2004, Li won first place in both thesecond and third annual rounds of the Hunan Province “Blu-ray Cup” YAMAHA JazzPercussion Competition. In 2004 he also made it into the top ten competitors inthe nationally televised Star of Outlook Competition, after which he visitedThailand to perform international culture and arts exchange. In the same yearhe also won first place in the Dandelion Art Star Competition. Two years later,in 2006, he also won first place in the youth jazz percussion category of thesecond annual National Youth Percussion Competition. In 2008, after beginning his studies at the CentralConservatory of Music, he joined the 811 Band as a jazz drummer, with whom heperformed at a headlined concert in Qinhuangdao, as well as the televisionrecording of the China University Student New Year Gala. By 2009 he wasperforming on request at many concerts held at the China Grand NationalTheater. In 2009, Li played with the Red Berry Band and theoriginal “Red Band” at live houses throughout Beijing, as well as at eventsheld by various universities, and also released his first recording. In 2010 heplayed at various festivals such as the Beijing Midi Music Festival, Temple ofEarth Music Festival, Zhangbei Music Festival, and Shanghai Zhujiajiao MusicFestival. In the same year, he also participated in the Jiumen Jazz MusicFestival, the first annual Central Conservatory of Music InternationalPercussion Art Festival, and learned and performed with renowned Americanpercussionist Steve Houghton, by whom he was commended on his skills. Later Lidevoted much of his time to the education and promotion of jazz drums, Africandrums, and percussion music. He eventually became the chief percussionist ofthe China Youth Orchestra, and participated in the 70th AnniversaryConcert of the Central Conservatory of Music. In the same year, he was invited by Qu Mo to recorda solo album; performed live on CCTV’s Passionof China program; directed a show for China Mobile’s new year event; andjoined the band L.A.G. In 2011, Li participated in the filming of apromotional video for the Beijing International Contemporary Music Festival; healso began teaching youth percussion at Tiantian Arts Co.; performed at theDongpai Temple of Earth Music Festival; and played with L.A.G. at the Central People’sBroadcasting Station, as well as their headlined concert at the Chaoyang 1919Theater. In 2011, Li also served played the jazz drums in The Vagabond Life of Sanmao, an originalmusical created by renowned musician Sanbao; touring with the show, Liperformed at more than 50 venues around China, as well as at the debutperformance of the City Contemporary Orchestra. In the same year Li had the honor of being invitedby renowned musician Meng Jun to play jazz drums during the press releaseconcert for Sha Baoliang’s new album; in 2012 he played drums in the endsequence song for the film Living in theFuchun Mountains; and acted as the drummer for Sanbao’s musical The Piano in a Factory, touringdomestically for 60 shows. Li also held a successful graduation concert whengraduating from the Central Conservatory of Music; collaborated with youngpercussionist Liu Heng to form the Black Shades Percussion Duo, with whom heperformed at a concert held at the Central Conservatory of Music, which waswell received by musicians from the academy and throughout China; and in Augustrecorded his first drum-only duo album.
第四部分: 录音手札
Part IV: Recording Equipment
录音手札 Recording Solution Microphones话筒
DPA 4006AE
DPA 4011-TL
Neumann M150
Neumann KM184
Neumann KM140
Schoeps MK4
Schoeps MK5
AKG C414
Mic Amplifier话筒放大器
A/D Converter模数转换器
Prism Sound ADA-8XR
ProTools HDX
Genelec 1037A -–远场监听系统
PMC TB2SA--母带辅助监听系统
Cables 信号线
Mogami Gold Studio cable
制作人 The Producer 刘达 刘达,音乐制作人,古典音乐录音师,美国格莱美录音学会高级会员,AES国际音频工程师协会会员。 刘达曾与众多国内外知名交响乐团进行合作,其中包括中国爱乐乐团,中国交响乐团,中央歌剧院,中央芭蕾舞团,上海交响乐团,杭州爱乐乐团,巴黎管弦乐团,英国BBC交响乐团,奥地利萨尔兹堡室内乐团,俄罗斯马林斯基-基洛夫交响乐团,德国班贝格交响乐团,意大利威尼斯凤凰歌剧院,香港管弦乐团等。在过去的三年中,刘达录制了超过500场音乐会实况,并成为中国爱乐乐团、中央歌剧院、中央芭蕾舞团、上海交响乐团、杭州爱乐乐团,北京国际音乐节官方录音合作伙伴。 刘达自幼学习钢琴,曾在奥地利、英国、美国进修音乐制作并多次参加国际音频学术活动。2007年参加AES国际录音比赛,凭借其录制作品《流水》入围决赛,成为AES历史上最年轻的决赛入围选手。2010年在英国伦敦夺得两项AES国际录音比赛一等奖。此外刘达还包揽2009年度广播电影电视总局全国录音节目质量评比音乐类作品一等奖,二等奖,三等奖。2008年度广播电影电视总局全国录音节目质量评比音乐类作品二等奖等多项国内权威录音奖项。2012年刘达所制作的音乐作品集被评选为第22界台湾国际音响展年度官方音响示范专辑,成为这项亚洲最大规模发烧音响盛会自举办20多年来唯一完整收录的中国唱片公司与唱片制作人。 同年,刘达作为专辑制作人制作发行建国以来最大规模的中国交响乐唱片音乐专辑:《中国爱乐乐团CPO Live100百张实况录音集》与《中国爱乐乐团-余隆-实况录音黑胶唱片集》被誉为中国唱片工业与交响乐发展的里程碑事件,夺得包括最佳年度音乐系列专辑,年度十大唱片,年度音乐制作人等多项中国唱片最高奖项,专辑递交参选2013年度美国格莱美唱片奖,并入选为音乐周报评选出的2012年度中国音乐界十大新闻事件。 近几年来,刘达竭力录制当代音乐作品,从2007年起录制了多部当代杰出作曲家所创作的委约作品,其中多部为全球首演。包括克里斯多夫·潘德列斯基创作的第八交响曲《无常之歌》;彼得·鲁策齐卡创作的《为男中音室内合唱团和乐队所作的荷尔德林交响曲》;陈其钢大提琴协奏曲《逝去的时光》、钢琴协奏曲《二黄》;谭盾《马可·波罗的四条神秘之路》、钢琴协奏曲《火》;叶小刚创作的《巍巍昆仑》、《大地之歌》、《临安七部》;周龙所创作的歌剧《白蛇传》等。 作为制作人与录音工程师刘达制作发行过多张高质量音乐专辑如:《殷承宗-中国爱乐乐团-黄河·红灯记》、《殷承宗-舒伯特钢琴独奏》、《殷承宗-贝多芬浪漫钢琴作品》、《殷承宗-遇见舒曼与肖邦》、古琴人声跨界专辑《琴歌》、亚洲第一张5.1环绕声BD-AUDIO蓝光唱片《一点思念》、大提琴专辑《蔓延-最美大提琴》、民乐现代派专辑《琵琶幻象》、《胡琴随想》等,在古典音乐界及发烧音响界获得广泛赞誉。 Liu Da
Liu Da is a music producer, classical music recording artist,advanced member of the Grammy Sound Recording Society, and member of the AESInternational Audio Engineering Association. Liu Da has cooperated with a large number of orchestras from bothChina and abroad, including the China Philharmonic Orchestra, China SymphonyOrchestra, Central Opera Theater, Central Ballet Ensemble, Shanghai SymphonyOrchestra, Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra, Paris Orchestra, BBC SymphonyOrchestra, Salzburg Chamber Orchestra, Mariinsky-Kirov Symphony Orchestra,Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, Phoenix Opera House, and Hong Kong Orchestra. Overthe past three years, Liu Da has produced live recordings of more than 500concerts, among which were official concert recordings of the ChinaPhilharmonic Orchestra, Central Opera Theater, Central Ballet Ensemble,Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra, and BeijingInternational Music Festival. Liu Da has studied the piano since childhood, later studying audiorecording in Austria, the UK and the US, and has since participated in a largenumber of international academic events pertaining to sound recording. In 2007he participated in the AES International Audio Recording Competition,progressing to the final round with his recording of Flowing Streams, making him the youngest contestant to enter thefinals. In 2010 he was unanimously declared the winner of two AES InternationalAudio Recording Competition awards. In 2009 he was awarded first, second andthird place prizes in the Administration of Radio, Film and Television NationalRecording Quality Competition. Previously in 2008 he had won second prize inthe same competition, as well as many other awards in prestigiousnational-level events. In 2012, Liu Da’s collection of recording works wasselected as the official sample album of the year for the 22ndAnnual Taiwan International Acoustics Exhibition, the first and only time inthe history of this event, the largest of its kind in all of Asia, that aChinese record company and producer have enjoyed this honor. In the same year,Liu Da acted as producer for the largest-scale orchestra music album in thehistory of modern China, the ChinaPhilharmonic Orchestra 100-Disc Live Concert Collection (CPO live 100), as well as the CPO – Yu Long – Live Concert VinylCollection, which are considered as milestones of the development of theChinese record industry and Chinese orchestral music. The collections receivedseveral of China’s most prestigious awards, including Collection Album of theYear and Music Producer of the Year, and appeared on many Top Ten Albums of theYear lists. CPO 100 will beparticipating in the 2013 Grammy Awards, and has been selected by Music Weekly as one of 2012’s Ten MostImportant Events in the Chinese Music Industry. Over the past few years, Liu Da has focused on recordingcontemporary works, and since 2007 has recorded a number of works created byoutstanding contemporary composers, many of which were world premieres. Amongthese works are Krzysztof Penderecki’s eighth symphony Songs of Transience; Peter Ruzicka’s Holderlin Symphony for Baritone Chamber Music; Chen Qigang’s celloconcerto Days Gone By and pianoconcerto Erhuang; Tan Dun’s Four Secret Roads of Marco Polo andpiano concerto Fire; Ye Xiaogang’s The Lofty Kunlun Mountains, Earth Song and Lin’an Seven; and Zhou Long’s opera Legend of the White Snake. As producer and audio engineering Liu Da has released a largenumber of high-quality music compilations, including Yin Chengzong – China Philharmonic Orchestra – Yellow River / The RedLantern, Yin Chengzong – SchubertPiano Solos, Yin Chengzong –Beethoven Romance Piano Works, YinChengzong – Encounters with Schumann and Chopin; the guqin-vocal crossoveralbum Qin Songs; Asia’s first 5.1Surround BD-AUDIO Blu-ray record Yearning;the cello album Flourish – The Cello atIts Best; the modern Chinese folk music albums Pipa Visions and HuqinThoughts, and many more. He has been widely commended throughout theclassical music and record publishing industries.
鹿楠楠 录音师,混音师,母带工程师,编曲;环球唱片公司专属词曲作者。
Lu Nannan Recording engineer,mixing engineer, mastering engineer, composer; exclusive lyricist and composerfor Universal Music Group.
As part of a newgeneration of recording artists, Lu has collaborated with many artists andvocalists from both China and around the world, and has worked on many musicalcompilations, which have been well received by members of the music industry.
Awards received:
2012: China Digital Audio Competition,Recording Arts category: Award for Best Recording 2009: China RecordingArtists Association Recording Quality Evaluation: First Prize, Second Prize
2008: ChinaRecording Artists Association Recording Quality Evaluation: First Prize
2007: China Societyof Film and Television Technology Recording Audio Production Evaluation: FirstPrize
2007: ChinaRecording Artists Association Recording Quality Evaluation: Second Prize, ThirdPrize
2005: ChinaRecording Artists Association Recording Quality Evaluation: First Prize
PRODUCER制作人: Liu Da刘达
RECORDING ENGINEER录音工程师:Lu Nannan鹿楠楠 & Liu Da刘达
MIXING ENGINEER缩混工程师:Lu Nannan鹿楠楠
MASTERING ENGINEER母带工程师:Lu Nannan鹿楠楠 & Liu Da刘达
RECORDINGASSISTANT录音助理:Chen Yaping陈亚萍 & FanKeyin范可音
CoordinatorAssistant统筹:Zhang Tingting 张婷婷
RECORDING STUDIO录音棚:国家大剧院主录音棚NCPA-Recording Studio

国家大剧院录音棚精心录制 刘达《鼓达人》BSCD