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最近在耳机店偶然机会A/B了一下SPL auditor 和 phonitor, 价差一倍,排开后者多种监听调节对听感的影响外,表示没听出来声音质量上有什么差别,倍感困惑。
于是,回头查询了一下auditor vs phonitor 的相关评测,发现每个人的耳朵似乎听到的都不一样,......
总体说,多数的人表示phonitor 声音质量要更高级,比如听感更精细,更晶莹(各种有关于声音更高级的表述,很抽象,不一而足),甚至有自己独特的声音认识或者调音哲学,而auditor就要处理得漫不经心得多,尽管声音基底是相似的。
一个是HEADFONIA论坛的测评人(该论坛的老大,测评过得器材不少),他本来是打算对auditor 和 phonitor进行比较测评, 听过之后表示没有听出来二者声音上有什么差别,最后表示说分别对两者进行单独评测显得多余,原文“I cofuldn’t differentiate the sound between the Phonitor and the Auditor, and so I think it would be redundant to create a separate review articles for both of them”.
提问"why such a price difference between a phonitor and an auditor which use the same amp circuitry"
回答“The Phonitor's monitoring functions take more than you may believe at the first glance. You know, providing these functions by analog circuits does not only eat up a bit chip power like in the digital world -- it takes real components, and they must be controlled by switches and knobs etc.
We always calculate every product with fix factors based upon the manufacturing costs. We never calculate our products with regard to their ... intellectual potential if you like (this would be the same as with the value of your work: actually priceless!
That is also why we often can explain the price difference of our products also by their weight: Auditor 2,65 kg, Phonitor 4,05 kg ;-) IMHO you have to decide if you really need the monitoring functions. If there's any doubt, get the Auditor -- you would certainly pay too much for an experiment if you are not sure.
如果以上这些可以被当做是一两点论据,那么论题就是“对同一器材,听感是因人而异的,根据别人的听感去追随或者否定一些自己没有接触过(甚至完全没有试听过)得器材是不理性的”,这可能需要付出极大的代价,不间断地折腾。 以为在追求自己想要的声音,其实你可能在追随别人的听感而不自知。