发表于 2016-10-19 21:42:41
本帖最后由 Zickson 于 2016-10-19 21:45 编辑
330页左右开始出现了一个ID叫:paul79的。此人和romaz在音频设备方面土豪程度差不多。拥有众多设备同时也是一个total和dave的用家,拥有total twelve 和dave。
他的听音观和romaz不太一致,于是就romaz之前的回复内容中的一些方面提出质疑,比如:Romantic、Intimate、Peaky、Bass、Depth、Tube preamp...
romaz自然也是一 一回复...两人洋洋洒洒越辩火气越大起来...romaz估计是火气上头,直接写了一篇长回复,拉了另一个大烧入场。把与那个大烧一起私人聚会的一些私人言论放了上来(当然romaz过了一天冷静下来就把这条长回复给删了)。
于是total作者vincent终于看不下去了,也是亲自出场指出romaz一些言论不妥之处,并且表示romaz当初拿到total six之后一段时间后完全没有与他进行任何交流,而是两周后就默默把total卖掉了。并且贴出romaz出total二手的网站交易记录截图,以证明没有像romaz所说那样听了六个月那么久...并且直指romaz这个人把私人聚会的讨论发到论坛上来,其人品存在问题。(后来也全编辑掉了)
My point is, much like @Rob Watts stated earlier that "Sound Quality does not matter," is that even the perception of tape saturation, if that's your thing, still thrives with the DAVE. Now, if you just can't stand tape hiss, which is a natural byproduct of that medium, I'm not saying that you're missing out; I'm only saying that the hiss, itself, can add a certain quaintness to the music if it hasn't been overtly sterilized by digital means. It's a trick of the brain, really, for those of us who grew up with tape hiss, that even if it's debatable that the digitized hiss doesn't impart some magical "analog" vibe, I content that your brain still associates the hiss with "analogue," thus you hear "analogue."