从Karl Schumann写的"THE CHAMBER WORKS OF BRAHMS"摘录一段英文,E文好的DX翻译呀:
"Brahms's sensitivity and depth of feeling, and his contemplative rather than active temperament, ruled out for him from the start the grand symphonic style and directed him to the field of chamber music. Even his symphonies are chamber music." So said the music historian Paul Bekker in his celebrated study (1918), "The Symphony from Beethoven to Mahler." This is an exaggerated expression of a true enough state of affairs: Johannes Brahms, as pianist, began with chamber music and remained devoted to the genre all through his life. Its intimacy suited his meditative rather phlegmatic nature and his taste for involved polyphony; and writing chamber music, absolute music, was the sign of his opposition to, and separation from, the dramatic and programmatic orchestral writing of the "New German" followers of Wagner and Liszt.