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九段的电脑多媒体系统一直用Goldenwave GA-X做前级搭配KH120A来玩,偶然听好友黄大明白介绍“粑粑”牌新出一台FREYA前级,被其老板归类为自家最顶级的“no-excuses”级,官方对它是这样描述的:Now this is a no-excuses balanced, remote-control preamp! Switch between passive, active JFET buffer, and tube gain modes, enjoy the fine control of a 128-step relay-switched stepped attenuator volume control with perfect channel matching, and control it all from the comfort of your favorite chair—for many times less than you’d expect to pay.。。。。。。。最重要的是只有699刀,贪玩的楼主立刻决定下单一台回来玩耍下,看看这次老板是不是又在吹水o(^▽^)o。