
楼主 |
发表于 2018-4-14 10:30:38

A piacere
Music for viola da gamba
Fahmi Alqhai (viola da gamba), Arcángel (voice), Pablo Martín (Caminero, violone & double bass), Pedro Estevan, Agustín Diassera (percussion), Juan Carlos Rivera (theorbo), Rami Alqhai (viola da gamba, violotto), Johanna Rose, Ignacio del Valle (violas da gamba)
Les pleurs, the baseline of gamba repertoire, is as accomplished a performance as you could expect, confirming Alqhai as a master of the instrument; but inasmuch as the gamba was never truly... — Gramophone Magazine More…
Release Date: 10th Feb 2014
Catalogue No: GCDP33202
Label: Glossa
Length: 53 minutes