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本帖最后由 小白 于 2019-9-5 15:28 编辑
一、Soundstage HiFi。原文链接:https://www.soundstagehifi.com/index.php/equipment-reviews/1270-dutch-dutch-8c-active-loudspeakers
The Dutch & Dutch 8c active speakers cost a lot, $12,500/pair, and their list of features is as long as my arm. Is their sound quality commensurate with the price? 8C主动式喇叭价格为每对12500美金。它提供的功能拉个清单比我的手臂还长。那么它的音质对得起这个售价吗?
Yes. In my smallish room, the 8cs delivered full-range bass -- down to 20Hz -- with a firmness, authority, and punch I’d never experienced before. Their midrange was accurate and smooth, if anything leaning slightly to the warm side; their top end was engaging, free of grain, and never over accentuated. They sounded realistic and transparent, and belying their somewhat pro-audio appearance, sonically they entirely “disappeared” in my room. Last but not least, they could play very loud without strain, compression, or edge -- this small speaker could really rock. 是的,在我的有点小的房间里,8C喇叭提供出完整的低频。下潜到20赫兹的那种。声音的结实、权威性、冲击力是我之前从未体验过的。中频准确而平滑,略微偏向温暖的一面。高频表现引人,没有毛躁感,也绝无加重的感觉。整体听起来非常真实、透明,尽管看上去一副专业味道,声音而言它们能在我的房间里“消失”。最后,这对喇叭能播得非常响,声压不受限制、无压缩感——作为一对书架喇叭它们真的能Rock(地动山摇)。
Overall, the Dutch & Dutch 8c’s not only exceeded my expectations for how a pair of stand-mounted speakers could perform, in many ways they bettered the performance of my current setup of satellites and subwoofer in a room corrected with Dirac Live. 总结而言,8C喇叭不仅超越了我对一对书架箱的期望值,在很多方面,它超越了我目前房间里经过Dirac Live软件校正过的卫星喇叭+低音炮系统。
If you can get over your preconceptions about what an audiophile system should look like, there’s no question: The Dutch & Dutch 8c is well worth $12,500/pair. 假如你能克服对发烧音箱系统应该长什么样子的固定思维,那么毫无疑问,8C很值得12500美金每对的价格。
最后,SoundStage HiFi把8C喇叭系统列入其Recommended Reference Components“推荐的参考器材”。 |