楼主 |
发表于 2012-10-20 21:23:06
原帖由 紫气东来 于 2012-10-20 17:12 发表
这个我还真发邮件问过 Ray...我问他Apache适合哪些耳机 他的回复如下
Depends how much you want to spend!
No, seriously it depends what kind of sound you are looking for. The Apache is dead silent, a true reference amplifier. It is always ready to give you warm and detailed sound with precision control that is common only with expensive tube amps. I think it pairs well with the Sennheiser HD800, Beyers T-1s or the Hifiman HE500. Good with LCD-3s as well, although they sound a little dark.
我估计他没有试过日系低阻 我买来搭配D7000其实心里一开始也没底 抱着不合适就换T1的态度 结果调试下来还不错 因为Apache有3个增益可以选择 High和Medium确实听D7000不行 太冲不耐听 但是low增益就不错了 我觉得和我之前搭配的RPX35相比还比较满意
不过下面我也打算收个T1看看搭配如何 |