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本帖最后由 薇薇爸爸 于 2014-10-30 19:31 编辑
首先说,自己绝对不反对黑胶,也不力挺CD。 如同吃不吃转基因的讨论,只是把更可能多的信息通过大家的交流和讨论,越说越清楚。对还没有选择的烧友或许会有帮助,就算没有也是论坛的价值之一,灌水!我不是技术控,只是好奇和想了解,看到论坛里纷纷中毒的文章,感到心向往之,但又觉得是否是全面。如同谈胆机,喜欢那种音色,反对的因为是错误的声音,但暖,柔,让人喜欢。当然,是否必须先花一两万拥有黑胶,然后再发言,这是个伪命题,对于买车的人来说,正因为还没买车,才关注和讨论买啥车好。大家别提YY之类,要“虽然俺不同意你的观点,但要誓死维护你说话的权利". 技术贴,自己不懂从网上找:谷歌国外网站上吵得一塌糊涂,有说10大LP好的观点的,也有反的。我找了一片录音专业人士方面的文章,文章太长,节选。(不是国外的网站好,只是相对比较系统的论述,有理有据的文章多,意气用事的评论少些。)
Let's not fool ourselves, though. Vinyl is great, but the idea that its sound quality is superior to that of uncompressed digital recordings is preposterous. They sound different, and that's exactly the point. (不是字对字翻译,只是大意:技术上和理论上,黑胶超越CD的音质水平这种观点是不成立的,客观说,两者的声音不同而已。)
Vinyl is physically limited by the fact that records have to be capable of being played without skipping or causing distortion. That both limits the dynamic range — the difference between the loudest and softest note — and the range of pitches (or "frequencies") you can hear. (黑胶的刻录方式决定了它的音质是失真的。对动态和频率都有影响)
文章还附有视频:youtube 没法转发。刻录的深浅,纹路,紧凑还是疏松,都会对音质,动态什么的产生影响。而CD录制的一致性对专业录音人员是可以放心的。至于44.1格式,人耳能够辨别的可闻的已经足够了。认为模拟录制要好于数码录制并无依据,是一种愿望。
A lot of vinyl fans talk about the "warmth" of records, particularly of the low-end. But, as Pitchfork's Mark Richardson puts it, "the 'warmth' that many people associate with LPs can generally be described as a bass sound that is less accurate." The difficulty of accurately translating bass lines to vinyl without making grooves too big means that engineers have to do a lot of processing to get it to work, which changes the tone of the bass in a way that, apparently, many people find aesthetically pleasing. "Warmth" also comes from flaws in record players. 黑胶爱好者喜欢的听感是一种“温暖”的听感。原因是录制黑胶的时候录音师必须要做必要的调整,以适合黑胶的动态和其他特性。(或说以某种失真的方式)但听感上,让人愉悦,耐听。
As the University of Waterloo's Stanley Lipshitz onceexplained to Popular Science, speaker sound and the needle's height fluctuations can cause the record to vibrate, which the needle in turn picks up and translates into a "warmer" seeming sound. 唱针的跳动也会产生类似的听感。
Is it wrong to prefer that "warmer" sound? Of course not! It would be as preposterous to rule that out as a legitimate source of aesthetic appreciation as it would be to discount distorted guitar lines for being "less faithful" to the original guitar sound. 暖的听感有啥不对么?没有各花入各眼。只是这不是最真实的声音。
Audio distortion can be beautiful and there's nothing wrong with liking it. But there's also something to be said for listening to music as its creators meant it to be heard, and precisely because of their "warmth" vinyl recordings sound rather different from what artists hear in the studio. 失真但是好听,这并无问题。 对专业录音人士来说,至少这声音不是他们原来听到的声音。